Legal Information

Pro Performance Sound + Acoustics GmbH

Dr. Schober Straße 32

1130 Vienna, Austria

Number: +43 699 118994 32


Commercial Court of Vienna, Austria

EORI-Numner: ATEOS1000140449

VAT ID: ATU80022645

Company register number: 357316s

Bank details: Volksbank Wien AG Pro Performance Sound + Acoustics GmbH

IBAN AT44 4300 0100 2179 0000


Terms and Conditions: Pro Performance Sound + Acoustics GmbH

1. Applicability

a. The following terms and conditions apply to all contracts and professional relations between Pro Performance Sound + Acoustics GmbH (hereinafter referred to as ‘seller’) and their clients (hereinafter referred to as ‘client’) concerning the purchase and delivery of audio equipment, audio solutions, and corresponding plans, as well as related products and services.

2. Contract conclusion

a. The seller’s offers are non-binding and subject to change. A contract is only concluded when the vendor confirms the client’s order in writing or electronically.

b. Prior to concluding an order, the client is required to review all order data. Changes or cancellations of orders require the consent of the seller and may incur additional costs.

3. Prices and conditions of payment

a. Payment is made in the currency accepted by the seller and by the means of payment specified by the seller. Invoices are due within the terms and payment conditions of the respective offer. In the event of late payment, the seller is entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate of 12% p.a.

4. Delivery and shipping

a. Delivery times are non-binding unless expressly agreed in writing as binding. The seller will try to the best of their ability to deliver the products offered within a reasonable period of time.

b. Delivery times may vary due to economic or geopolitical events. Under some circumstances, this may also affect previously confirmed delivery times.

c. Cost and method of shipping will be relayed to the client at the latest before the contract is concluded, but usually as soon as the offer is made.

5. Warranty and liability

a. The seller warrants that the audio equipment supplied is free from defects in material and workmanship and meets the agreed specifications.

b. The seller's liability is limited to intent and gross negligence, unless concerning damages resulting from injury to life, body or health.

6. Reservation of ownership

a. The ware remains property of the seller up until payment has been completed. A resale is only admissible with our consent and by notifying us duly in advance, including the name of the buyer or company and their exact (business) address. In this event, the purchase price claim will be deemed to have been assigned to the seller. The seller will be authorized to notify the buyer about this assignment at any time.

7. Advertisement and usage of graphical material

a. The seller reserves the right to photograph installed loudspeakers and installed acoustic material and to take pictures of installations.

b. This photographic material may be used for any advertising purposes (e.g. social media, brochures, etc.) without informing the customer in advance or asking for permission, provided that no persons from outside Pro Performance are recognizable.

8. Privacy

a. The seller processes the customer's personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. Further information on data processing can be found in our privacy policy.

9. Right of withdrawal and return policy

a. The customer has a statutory right of withdrawal. Further information on the right of withdrawal, deadlines, and our return policy can be found in our separate withdrawal policy.

10. Final provisions

a. All amendments or additions to these terms of service must be made in writing.

b. The law of the Federal Republic of Austria shall apply. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is Vienna.

These terms and services are valid from 20.01.2024 and may be updated from time to time. The current terms and services can be found on our website.