Who we are

Who we are

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Since a young age, Wolfgang has been fascinated by sound. He built his first sound system as a teenager and his enthusiasm for creating better sound that hasn't changed since. After school, he travelled the world and began training as a sound technician where he worked in many different locations, while also supporting numerous live events, gaining an in-depth understanding of sound systems and what could be done to improve their performance. But that wasn't enough.

Together with another sound specialist, Clemens Pergler, Wolfgang first started the company ‘Pro Performance’ in 2003 with a focus on sound systems and information technology. A natural sales talent, Wolfgang, with his contacts and connections, began his quest for the best possible sound. A chance encounter with Alcons Audio in 2005 developed into a close cooperation and then distribution partnership that continues to this day.

In the following years, he discovered and built up the loudspeaker brand Lambda Labs as well as forming close ties with acoustics company Artnovion, as Pro Performance became the official Austrian distributor of both these brands. In the following years, as well as adding new brands and projects to our portfolio, our team slowly grew and welcomed new members. We are a team that shares the same vision: everyone deserves the best possible sound and acoustic experiences.

2024 and beyond: Pro Performance Sound + Acoustics GmbH 

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