Warum Artnovion?

Warum Artnovion?

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Artnovion, situated in Paredes in northern Portugal, is determined to provide the very best acoustic panels and all-round experience they can. All panels are handmade in Portugal with an emphasis on using renewable materials. In fact, the entire process of production and eventual delivery has been designed to be as sustainable as possible.

All panels are designed for durability, as they can easily be mounted, taken down, and re-used again - just one of the reasons why we stand by Artnovion and their products. The performance of their products is another major reason why we choose Artnovion; the team includes many talented acousticians and technicians, working tielessly for best quality and acoustics.

Each of Artnovion's products is made in house and to order so quality control can be closely supervised. Finally, the flexibility and customizability of their products, with an extraordinary number of high-quality materials and finishes, means that each acoustic solutions is truly unique.

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